
s e e d a b r a i n

Jul 12, 2007

Self discipline

Foundation quality of character is self discipline. Self discipline is manifested in several ways:
  • self control
  • self mastery
  • self restraint
Self discipline is the ability to make yourself do what you should do, when you should doi it, wheater you feel like it or not. This is a good defination to work from. People with higer degree of self discipline are admired while those with weaker character have weak or no discipline at all. They are basically out of control. They cannot constraint or control themselves.

what type of self decipline are you following in your life?


krystyna said...

Hi Yazi!
Self discipline is a base of successful life. Without it is mess and chaos.
How are your vacation time?

tulipspeaks said...

won't being too self-disciplined will ruin all the fun of our life?


Anonymous said...

Lack of self discipline can cause low esteem and confidence

Anonymous said...

I think ech and every human being have self-disciple in their own way. It need not be identical or random but vary based on their surrounding, family and how thery are brought up.

Self-disciple is more like perfection and we shud be liberal at times coz it can also destruct sometimes.

Yazi said...

Thanks for comments, Applied positively I personally believe self discipline can lead to success. At the same time we need to be flexible with our self and open enough to examine our own beliefs and make sure that they are leading to where we truly want to go.

Tulip, I think we can be discipline our self to have fun regularly like celebrating our accomplishments, goals, spending time with loved ones on regular basis.

Thanks for stopping by Shireen, glad (:

Pria you are right some times if we are not regularly inspecting our behavior it can be destructive!

good one all! tc ~~/

mystic rose said...

hi yazi,
yes, im doing well. thanks for asking :). and hope you are too.

..do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not..

and yes, i like being spontaneous, but things that need to get done, just need to thats all. :)